What we believe
What we believe...
We believe... that God is not silent but has spoken to us in His Word,
the Bible. This Word faithfully reveals God's purpose for humanity, which
is to worship and enjoy Him forever.
We believe... that all humanity has rejected God's purpose, and by
doing so, now labors in a state of sin which leads to brokenness, misery, and
We believe... that in love, God gave His only Son, Jesus Christ,
to pay the penalty for sinners.
We believe... that Jesus Christ defeated the power of death by
rising from the grave, now reigns over all things, and will return to judge
humanity, restoring His people in Glory.
We believe... that we receive God's incredible gift of everlasting
life through faith alone in Jesus Christ and not by any good works of our own.
We believe... that King Jesus calls His Church to bring all the
families and nations of the earth to receive His forgiveness, to worship and
serve Him.
Find out more about what we believe at: http://reformedpresbyterian.org/conv_beliefs.html